Address: Druzstevni 845, Uherske Hradiste, 686 05, CZECH REPUBLIC
ID number (IČO) : 26953501, TAX ID number (DIČ) : CZ26953501
MI-Europe s.r.o. is registered in the Commercial Register, Section C, Entry No. 46844, maintained by the Municipal Court, Brno
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The model 9332 series of four terminal DC Current Shunts for the measurement of precision DC current levels to 3000 A are the latest development from Measurements International. Only after many years of research in low value resistance materials, the model 9332 series of standard DC current shunts insures the best performance available today. Combined with MI’s experience in automated measurements at high current levels, accuracies less than 0.01 % can be achieved at full power.
The shunts are constructed from specially selected elements which are soldered into copper ends using a special low thermal solder. The element then goes through a process of annealing which insures the best performance without introducing self-heating errors with improved temperature coefficients. The shunt, designed to operate in air at full power, is then covered with a decorative perforated cover allowing air to escape during self heating and to protect the elements from physical damage. The copper ends are specially designed to force the current to be evenly distributed through the elements so that the surface area can dissipate the specified power in air.
Special considerations have been given to the process of curing the element and reducing temperature coefficients. Optimum surface area dissipates the maximum specified power. The annealing process gives the shunt excellent long term stability so that these shunts can be used in air at full current. For increased performance as a standard resistor, they can be placed in the MI model 9300A Air Bath.
Current connections are made at each end of the shunt while low thermal potential connectors are used for measuring the output voltage. Only the current connector will vary depending on the size of the shunt. Special values are also available.
The 9332-Forced Air assembly is also available for all shunts. The number of fans will vary depending on the length of the shunt. The forced air assembly attaches to the shunt guard and air is blown down and away from the shunt. Use of the 9332-Forced Air assembly keeps the power coefficient of the shunt low for all currents.