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ID number (IČO) : 26953501, TAX ID number (DIČ) : CZ26953501
MI-Europe s.r.o. is registered in the Commercial Register, Section C, Entry No. 46844, maintained by the Municipal Court, Brno
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Measurements International’s series of fluid baths are used for the maintenance of standard resistors and shunts. The 9400 has been designed after compiling years of customer feedback on existing resistor oil baths.
The result is a stable, quiet oil bath that can be used with the CCC and QHR due to its low electrical noise and low operating and maintenance costs.
The improved 9400 utilizes brushless DC stirrer motors to further reduce electrical noise and improve the chambers’ fluid flow in order to reduce the temperature gradient. This new design avoids “temperature shadows,” where the heat dissipated from one resistor will directly affect “downstream” resistors.
The 9400 does not use a compressor and as such is very quiet both audibly and electrically. The one-piece stainless steel tank is grounded and isolated from the anodized resistor shelf. Stirring is provided by two adjustable speed motors. The tank lid is insulated and sits atop a resistor drain shelf. The access opening is 25″ by 8″ to accommodate easy access for handling larger resistors.
The touch screen interface displays temperature and gives the user access to the PID for adjustment of setpoints, alarm settings and stirring speed. The exclusive design uses a proprietary temperature band protection circuit.
The bath is equipped with two drain/fill ports.
There are two 2″ vertical conduit ports for resistor cables and to minimize wicking. These ports allow the tank lid to remain in place for increased temperature stability. For connections to resistors and shunts, the standard interconnect panel provides a simple and easy way to connect to external instrumentation without having to remove the tank lid and touching the oil.
The 9400 comes standard with IEEE-488 and serial RS232 interface and can be controlled via Measurements International’s resistance bridge operating software.